Benefits of Reading Stories to Your Children for 30 Minutes a Day

Benefits of Reading Stories to Your Children for 30 Minutes a Day

Studies have shown that children who tend to read for at least 30 minutes every single day have reduced levels of stress, high concentration levels, a huge vocabulary, and needless to say they tend to perform better in school. You must look up for kg schools in Ajman that encourage the habit of reading in children. Reading also helps in improving writing and reading skills and ignites curiosity in them. Whether you choose to read short stories for them or they want to read a graphic novel, there are several benefits that they can derive from reading. These benefits are as follows:

Cognitive Development

Reading broadens their current repository of knowledge and helps them in making sense of their surroundings. Children are introduced to new worlds and situations through these books. They learn to differentiate between the bad and the good but at the same time, they also realize that the world is not just black and white. There are several hues of gray that exist. This enhances their thought processing abilities. Additionally, reading also helps in increasing the attention span as well as their memory. In fact, a study found that reading to young kids triggers thousands of cells in their brain and certain existing connections become much stronger than before.

Enhanced Linguistic Abilities

This one may sound obvious, but it needs to be mentioned. Reading to children, even infants, can greatly help them in acquiring new words and can also improve their overall communication skills. Parts of the brain that are responsible for social skills and linguistic development get stimulated when kids sit down to hear stories or read them. There is no doubt that they will eventually pick up words they hear around them. But the language used in books differs greatly from spoken language. Books are not only much more descriptive, but they also tend to be grammatically and factually corrected at all times, so you get rest assured that your little one is picking up the right things.

Strengthen Academics

Most kids enter school without basic reading ability. Parents tend to rely too heavily on schools to inculcate this skill in their children. However, learning to read in a classroom is a much different experience than having a one-on-one reading session with your parents. Children are much more likely to ask questions, get their doubts clarified, and even express themselves better when they are comfortable. All of these inevitably contribute to their academic performance once they do enter school.


Reading fuels creativity and improves their ability to comprehend text as well as their reading abilities. Apart from encouraging them to read at home, make sure to enroll them in a school that encourages this habit and actually provides them with the right resources. Make sure to search for one of the best American private schools in Ajman for the same.

Benefits of Reading Stories to Your Children for 30 Minutes a Day

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